
Friday, July 26, 2013

Despicable Me 2

No, this is not a repetition of last week’s review. This is about "Despicable Me 2" :)

Let me start by saying that I LOVED this second movie even more than the first!

It’s so so so funny!!! I think one post wouldn’t be enough to describe how entertaining watching this movie was.

To tell you the truth, I cried from laughing so much. Twice!

There are two scenes in the movie that are just too much. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t even keep my eyes open. I felt like a little kid!

So before I say anything else, let me say this:

GO WATCH THIS MOVIE! Take your kids, invite your husband, go with your friends. You will not regret it!

But you should really watch the first one first. It will make more sense and you will see how the second really complements the first ;)

And the message is just on point. It really spoke to me…

The first movie showed the importance of having and giving value to a family.

This second one reinforces that idea by making a stronger point that some people seem not to give a lot of importance to. 

If you know a little about the story, you know that Gru (the main character) adopts three little girls, Margo, Edith and Agnes, thus changing their world forever. Now they have something they could only dream about before: A real home and a father to come home to. Someone who loves them, watches over them and will be with them always.

So now they are happy, right? They have everything they ever wanted. They have a family.


Let me show you a conversation in the movie that made me think twice about that.

Agnes, the youngest of the little girls (and the most adorable one) is having a hard time rehearsing for a school play. The play is about mothers (for mothers day I think) and she just can’t say the lines naturally enough. Whenever she tries, she sounds like a robot. So here comes her father to her rescue. The conversation goes more or less like this:

-        - I can’t do it!
-        - You just have to keep trying Agnes.
-        - I don’t think I should be part of the play anyway.
-        - Why not?
-        - I don’t even have a mother…
-        - Well… then why don’t you just use your imagination?
-        - You mean I should pretend that I have a mom?
-        - Exactly! Can you do that?
-        - Yes! I do that all the time…

And here’s my question to all the readers of this blog.

Can you see what I see in that conversation?

Does it speak to you as strongly as it does to me?

What does it tell you?


  1. Hi Ms.Rapha,
    I really like these movies but they always have to have something. They teach kids to have imaginary friends etc.

    What I chose to do & even tough i don't feel like doing it is getting my drivers license. Read the book & study, start doing it now. so when i turn eighteen i'll be ready.

  2. For me its like the father is teaching his child to use Faith, because this is how faith is used you see the things that are noy yet seen, you use your imagination and I see that the little girl is using her faith and also living like she does have a mother while in she's in hope of having one oneday, and for me that is Faith
