
Monday, April 15, 2013

The famous "little list"

“I’m afraid to write my list lol, I have the tendency to leave my responsibilities aside… Having to FACE everything I have to do will not be easy!”

This was a comment left by one of my partners in the new round of the Time Challenge and it spoke to me a lot because it reveals the truth about many of us.

For those of you who don’t know, the first task in the Time Challenge is to make a to-do list and after that, the challenge really begins. But who has never heard of the famous to-do list?

I had heard about and even done it many times but it was not something I did often and do you know why? First of all because writing a to-do list shows your reality, it makes you see everything you have to do and have been postponing for who knows how long.

This list can really be dreadful. Sometimes it seems to work against us because most of the time it shows that we simply don’t have time.

It’s also the list that shows our failures, everything we couldn’t do or didn’t have enough time to do. One look at all those undone items and we can almost hear that voice inside us:

“See? You can’t do it! Look how many things left undone! It’s no use…”

That’s why most people adopt the out-of-sight-out-of-mind method. They prefer to never make the list so that they are never reminded that they failed.

But that’s exactly what we need to do if we want to change the way we manage our time. We need to do like my partner described above, we need to FACE everything we have to do, face the truth about where and in what we’ve been spending our time and see where we need to improve/change.

To face the truth about ourselves is no easy task, but totally necessary if we want to cause any change in our life.

And that’s one way the Time Challenge has been helping us: To see where we need to change and how to go about it. So let’s do something, shall we? Even if you are not taking part in the Time Challenge, try making the list this week. Make a daily list of all the things you have to do. Start with the worst one, the most difficult one or the one you simply don’t want to do. Do not go to the next one until you finish it.

After you finish it, cross out that item and go to second one and so on and so forth. See how you do it :)

So, are you up to the challenge of the list? If yes, come back here at the end of the week and tell us your experience ok? If you do well, maybe… maybe I will post one other task that has been helping us oh so much… let’s see ;)


  1. Okay So here are my results for this week:
    Monday: I ate zero frogs:( (something occurred that knocked me out my agenda)
    Tuesday: I ate 3 out of 5 frogs
    Wednesday: I ate 3 out of 4
    Thursday: I ate 3 out of 6 frogs
    Friday: Today so far I have eaten 4 (with this 5) frogs out of 8

  2. Ok so this is how it went
    Monday I are 4 out if 5
    Tuesday I ate 3 out of 5
    Wednesday I ate 6 out of 6
    Thursday I ate 2 out of 4
    And Friday I ate 5 out of 7 this is a great method

  3. Hi Mrs. Raphaela :)
    The frog eating competition has been helping me so much to accomplish my tasks.
    On Monday I had 10 frogs and I ate 8 I felt very accomplished but I know I could still do more.
    On Tuesday I had 5 frogs and I ate 3.
    On Wednesday I had 10 frogs as well 8 still pushing forward.
    On Thursday I had 8 frogs and I ate 7 of them.
    On Friday I had 5 frogs and I ate 4 of them :)
    On Saturday I had 7 frogs and I ate 5 of them.
    I see myself accomplishing more than what I used to I definitely see a change.
    God Bless You :)

    1. On Wednesday I had 10 frogs as well and I ate 8 still pushing forward.

  4. on Monday I had 8 frogs and i ate 3 frogs

  5. Hi everyone :)
    On Tuesday i had 10 frogs and i ate 5 of them

  6. Eating my frogs has helping me a lot. Even though im tired at night, I write my list! and im making it a habit! im so happy because im getting to done things that reallly matter, honestly im so happy that Im getting to manage my time! :)

  7. I can say making the list every night and eating my frogs made more organized, i love this challenge.

  8. 4/22-4/28
    Monday i ate 1 out of 2 frogs
    Tuesday i ate 2frogs out of 2
    Wednesday i ate 1 out of 2 frogs
    Thursday i ate 2 out of 3frogs
    Friday i ate 2out of 3 froga
    I have been lazy which suck but this week would be different!!

  9. Ok I have ate my frogs prety well, everyday is a challenge but is worth it.
    On sunday I had 6 but I only ate 3 :/
    On monday I had 4 and I ate 3! :)
    And today tuesday I ate my whole 4 frogs!
    And these 21 day are goig to change me!

  10. 4/29-5/5
    Mon-3/4 frogs
    Tues-3/4 frogs
    Wed-4/5 frogs
    Thurs-4/6 frogs
    Fri-5/9 frogs
    My frogs are getting better in a way!

  11. Good day

    The mini project that I am working on this week is updating the notice boards that I am responsible for in the youth, so I dedicate time each day to find things that could be of interest in the youth and information and messages that could be of great help to their progress.

  12. Hello Ms.Rapha still am doing the Challenge.

    Here is My list Of Goals for this week:

    1.Finish My Psycholodgy project
    2.Organize my Ideas(YPG)
    3.Delete people on my Facebook
    (that don't have positive things)
    4.Wash the Dog & the Car $$$$

    & My little project of under 20 minutes was to:

    - Reorganize my Drawer.(My Room)
    I usually put in there clothes I don't use & in My closet clothes I do so I took out my winter clothes or clothes I don't wear & put them in a box in the closet. ;)

  13. Hi Miss.Raphaela,

    I have been behind on the challenge, and caught up yesterday, Saturday (5/11/13), and today I worked on my project today, (Sunday 5/12/13). My 20 minute Project was organizing my picture files on my computer. If it wasn't for this challenge I would have NEVER started organizing my files, and I must say theres so much organizing to do, so that will be my 20 minute project for the rest of the week, so I can start this picture organizing and FINISH it :D

    My List of Goals for this week:

    1.Organize YPG ideas
    2.Start a work out routine (2-4 times a week)
    3. Organize my Mary Kay Business
    4. Finish reading Nothing to Lose

  14. Hi Mrs. Rapha:)

    My goals for this week are:

    -Finish my 20min project for this week:)

    -Finish sorting out my inbox,so putting everything where it should be and deleting what I don't need.

    -Finish my sociology paper

    My 2omin project last week went great, I threw out a huge bag of junk docs :) This week I'm moving out to a drawer where I keep random stuff, pens, paper, pictures, books, everything! I'll be very happy if I get that thing organized :) !

  15. Hi Mrs. Raphaela :)
    This Month has been the craziest for me since where I am at there has been soo many changes. I have a new responsibility now and my frogs have been huge but I have put into practice the time challenge and it has helped me so much.

    April 28- May 11 - I have made my to do lists and recorded how many frogs I have ate :)
    Through out these days I had 42 frogs and I accomplished to eat 34 of them.

    This Challenge has helped me to be a lot more organized than I was before and it has helped me to not forget things I have to do because now I write them down on paper. It has also helped me manage my time better in order to accomplish as manty things as possible.

    My Goals for the rest of this week are:

    1. To Organize the KidsZone
    2. Organize the materials of the classroom and check what is missing.
    3. Organize a teacher's meeting.
    4. Make the new schedule for next month's kidszone.

    God Bless :)

  16. 5/6-5/12
    Did six but forgot to write what day it was and write down more :(
