
Monday, January 16, 2012

Time Challenge Step # 3 - The Frog Diet

A few years ago I read this very nice book about time management and it taught me one of the most important lessons on how to organize my time.

It taught me to eat frogs.

Yes, if I wanted to get a lot done throughout my week, I should eat at least one frog every morning.

Here's what the book says:

'It has been said for many years that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long.'

How true is that? 

Your frog is the most important task you have to do today, the one that you will most likely leave for 'later' (and you and I know very well that later means never, or some day when you cannot postpone it any longer because everything got out of control). This is usually the most boring task, the one you DON'T want to do, that one you feel tired just by thinking about it, but also the one that will have the greatest positive impact on your day and life and will bring the most results.

We usually tend to do the opposite. We choose the easier and enjoyable (or at least less boring) tasks first and after they are completed, we are simply too tired to do the long, boring, tiresome and more important one. No wonder we are always leaving it for the 'next day' (which also means 'never').

If from all the hard things you need to do today, you choose the hardest and stay with it until it's completed, you will go on with your day with a sense of accomplishment and relief since your most important/difficult task is already done.

'If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first'. 

Here's another thing, many times we are surrounded by frogs, especially if we've been postponing eating them for a long time, so if you have two or more very hard tasks to do today, choose the hardest one and do it first.

Last but not least:

'If you have to eat a live frog, it doesn't pay to sit and look at it for very long.'

Which means you have to do your most important/boring/hard task first thing in the morning so you can get it over with.

We all have frogs to eat today and everyday and the longer we take to eat them, the fatter, bigger and uglier they get. So, here's what we will be working on everyday this week:

1. Make a list of everything you have to do tomorrow  
 2. See what your most important task is, the one that if completed will have the most positive impact on your life today - usually the one you tend to postpone
3. Do it before you do any other tasks. Do it first thing in the morning and don't start anything else until you have finished it
I've already been using this method and it really works. So, let's agree on something, shall we?

Everyday this week we will come here at the end of the day and leave our comments on how our day went. We will say how many frogs we managed to eat, what is working and what is not working ok?

Writing this post is one of my frogs for today :) So, this one is eaten... on to the next one!

P.S.: If you’d like to join us in the next phase of the Time Challenge, just click here.


  1. So im reday to start eating my frogs. :D

  2. Today I até 4 frogs!! One of them I've been avoiding since last April, can you believe it?!

    The other was also old, I was supposed to have done it last October... Have already pushed that one down my throat lol

    I'm happy to have eliminated them from my life and to be able to do 2 more today :)

    Tomorrow there are more frogs for breakfast!

  3. Guess what? One of the frogs I ate yesterday came back to life :( I did something wrong in my computer and ended up deleting all my work from yesterday aaaahhhhhhh!!!

    But no problem, this one I'm going to eat with fork and knife!

    Today I ate 3 frogs and tomorrow there are lots more...

  4. rsrsr This is funny! If eating a frog in real life, is already gross, imagine doing the thing that is the hardest? It's very tiring...
    However, I am to eat 3 frogs :-/ and to do them it requires me waking up much earlier that I am use too! But so far this tips have been motivating me :-) and will put this one to practice a long with the other ones.

  5. Some of these frogs are more hard to swallow than others but I'm going forward. Monday I ate 3 frogs one of them was supposed to be eaten since last summer hehehe! Yesterday I ate 2 1/2 frogs, I wasn't able to finish one because it got really late and I had to sleep. But I'll continue eating frogs and finish the one that is pending to be eaten.

  6. Today I ate 2 and 1/2 frogs :) It wasn't all I needed to eat but it's definitely progress. I actually managed to do something today that I've planned and tried many times but could never do it.

    I'm getting to where I want to be... one frog at a time :)

  7. Ooh, I most defenatly ate my frog today.. after a long night and going to bed pass 2am. I had to wake up early in the morning to go some where but I was to tire to go... but NO I ate my frog and now am so happy I did! And NOW am actually working on a real frog a green fat frog:) Which I know it will help me recover so many things:))

  8. On my way home I was thinking of the frogs I needed to eat soon, because it could affect me in a big way. So I saw my self in a bad position putting excuses to my self about not being able to study for always coming late from work and not having the time to study for my class so I wouldn't. Untill I saw my self in between failing and passing so I decited to eat that green fat frog so I studied hard after work for over 2 to 2 1/2 hrs (I was behind) so I did I got to school the next morning and I present all 6 exams I could not believe but I passed!! So am happy that I did!

  9. On my way home I was thinking of the frogs I needed to eat soon, because it could affect me in a big way. So I saw my self in a bad position putting excuses to my self about not being able to study for always coming late from work and not having the time to study for my class so I wouldn't. Untill I saw my self in between failing and passing so I decited to eat that green fat frog so I studied hard after work for over 2 to 2 1/2 hrs (I was behind) so I did I got to school the next morning and I present all 6 exams I could not believe but I passed!! So am happy that I did!

  10. Yesterday, even though I did other things, I only managed to eat the other 1/2 of wednesday's frog. I have to catch up today!

  11. Hi Sorry I haven't written. :( Time seems to flee from me. But ok today I did eat a big frog, one that I had put off. I was happy about that. And now reading the page i ate another. Sorry I didn't read it b4. But ok here's a fast run down of my week... I will only write about after work. Though technically Monday was a sort of holiday, I was at work ;)Then at 2 we went evangelize, then we ran light lightning at 3ish to do grocery shopping. Had to be at our Vlog recording at 5. I got there late but in time, then after went to help finish to go clean Westpark office. Then was doing some minor things
    Tuesday - After work, was trying to finish working on somethings quickly because I had to stay in the Kids Zone for marriage course, then around 9 ish went to practice piano, stayed there for a good while, then I later went to bed.
    Wednesday - worked, go a chance to practice a bit, went to service, played song in it. Then after went to practice piano slept around 11ish.
    Thursday - Woke up early, washed clothes, worked on Vlog before work for a bit. Then worked up straight until almost time for marriage course. Stayed with the kids. Then went straight to finish my materia for the vlog slept around 12:44 am.
    Today - woke at about 6:30ish, went to work, am writing this now. :) But I will change into my uniform in a bit then go help fold newspapers then we'll have the service, then we'll fold more newspapers, then I'll probably practice if i'm not too tired.
    8 hours of sleep is not a regular part of my life anymore, I'm still getting used to it. 7 is heaven and 6ish is the norm, I'm pretty busy, but I love it! And actually want to do more with my time!
    There were still things that I wish I would have crammed into my time.
    But here's to the weekend and next week! The weekend I will use to catch up on some other things in the projects I have which includes groups that I'm in.


  12. Ok!! Ontem os sapos era ,começar a escrever para essa semana,foi um domingo maravilhoso sacrificando minha vida ,isso eu amo é para Meu Amado Deus!!
    Hoje já engoli meu sapo ,e melhor falei do Meu Amado deus ,o que era uma dificuldade ,mas agora esse sapo tem me trazido alegria,daqui a pouco essa dieta vai ser minha preferida ,rsrsrs... Mas existem outros sapos que ainda aparecem e me perde ,mas vou fazer ,sim porque vou seguir em frente!!!

  13. Ah!! e detalhe um sapo grande era terminar de ler um livro muito especial que eu ..,(sabe né para ler é meu desafio),mas enfim termineiiiiiii Uhuu agora estou satisfeita????Não vou me habituar a ler mais! Bjs

  14. Today I ate a huge frog!! there is something that is needed for me to get done every week and always send it on Monday, Last week I send it on Monday I was happy I realised it was because I started on Friday afternoon and spend Saturday afternoon finishing it, that lead me to finish some last minute details on Monday. This week because there were info. I was missing I thought about plan b but it took a while so I send it on wed. not to mention there were minor errors. I know this is something I need to watch out more, I want to dedicate now fully Fridays to start working on it immediately brainstorming ideas.

  15. I realise that time management is something that I have to work on, every time I plan something I end up doing the opposite. Everything is organised in my mind but the reality never meets that plan, something always comes up that puts that plan out of order. I will try to follow your advice, perhaps it can help.

  16. Today I ate a big juicy fat frog, I was scared at first but I just done it!, I had been procastinating the frog since begin of this month. Tomorrow lots of frogs to eat... I'm excited, in the frog fighting faith... Sarah x

  17. I ate a big fat lazy frog--the dishes-- i had not cleaned it for weeks and it looked as well as smelt revolting! I was supposed to go to a meeting but decided the dishes was more important so I humbled myself and done it. I was going to do another frog but I couldn't but tomorrow I will! As a ate the frog it uncovered another frog! Lots of frogs! But I am pretty excited about dealing with the frogs since its the holidays but after the holidays I seem to go back to my old ways... But... Not his time! I'm having a frog banquet. In the frog eating challenge... Sarah :)

    1. Love your comments Sarah and I'm loving your new 'diet' heehehe

  18. I thought that writing things down would be simple enough to do in order to be better plan and eat my daily frog but it has proved to be quite the challenge. To my frog I have added writing the plans for the next day as one of my ugliest frogs because buckling down and writing down all that I have to do seems to be an ugly frog to me. My other frog that I am eating daily is going to gym, it is so hard now that it is the holiday season, but even though I am on holiday I get up and I go like today because getting health is one of those things that are long over due on my to do list.

  19. Its true, there are many times I tend to leave things to the last minute. As I eat my frogs everyday, I'm sure I see improvements.
