
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Green Lantern

As I have mentioned before, I really like the super-hero stuff. Any comic book made into a movie and sure thing, I’m going to watch it or at least want to.

However, when the Green Lantern trailer came out, I wasn’t very interested. I saw a lot of ugly creatures and I thought, ‘who likes to go to the movies and see ugly things?’ But my husband said he remembered the story from the comic book and that it should be interesting.

So, I went to watch it not expecting much from it and to my surprise… well, I was really surprised.

The Green Lantern is not like other super-hero movies I’ve watched before, who always seem to evolve around the girl or how much the guy gets beat up or how much he struggles before he can finally overcome the enemies.

It’s not about the girl, it’s not about the super power, it’s about something we all face every single day of our lives and that’s what makes it so good!

This movie has a clear message, it’s like the whole story was written to pass one specific, direct, strong message and the whole movie focuses on that.

I liked it very, very much and recommend it to everyone. I had a couple of laughs, but that’s just because I find Ryan Reynolds very funny in all his roles and his face is always funny somehow.

I will not tell you what the message is though; otherwise I’ll just spoil it for you.

You should go, watch it and then write your views here in the comments section.

So, would I watch it again? Oh yes! WILL I watch it again? ABSOLUTELY!! 


  1. Hmm, I am interested now! :-) the movie sounds good I see now, I love comic book movies, but I would only stick with batman movies. Never heard of green lantern before but will watch this movie! Curious to see the message :)

  2. A very good movie indeed. In fact, it conveys the type of message that can even be used in a church service.
