
Monday, March 26, 2012

Time Challenge Step # 6 – Deadlines

If you’ve been following this Challenge since the beginning, then you will probably have written down all the projects you will be working on for the next couple of months. But when do you plan on completing them?

A mistake we often make is to work but not have a specific time to finish it. We adopt the ‘as long as it takes’ attitude and that’s quite bad for our time management skills.

If you work or study, then you know that there is a deadline for every single thing you do at school or at work. There is a set time for you to submit that paper or finish preparing those reports.

Why do you think that is?

Why do you think teachers and managers give us deadlines to finish our work?

Because we would never get them done otherwise! We would simply leave it for “later” or move on a more pleasant or easier task.

The problem is that many of our projects are personal, which means nobody will ever give us a set time to finish them. And that’s where the 6th Step of our Challenge comes in. Here’s what you will do:

Look at the list of projects you wrote on Step # 2.

Make a list of everything you will need to do in order to accomplish each one.

Based on this list and all the steps you will need to take in order to achieve what you want in you project, calculate the amount of time you think it’s going to take to finish each one.

And finally, set a date, a deadline for each project. Make sure to write the date in front of the title of each project.

You have to be realistic about the deadline, but it’s also important that you challenge yourself to complete your project soon, because the sooner you get it done, the sooner you will have what you want and the sooner you will be able to move on to other things.

You should also have deadlines for small tasks you do everyday. Have a specific time/day you want to finish each task (including eating your frog), and you will see that you will be more focused and faster than ever!

Now, let’s get to work!


  1. I have begun timing myself in how fast I can get my daily chores done. Ever since I started doing that I've been able to spend a little more time with my family. Some of my projects include reorganizing my closet, the pantry, and the contents in the kitchen cabinets. The deadline that I have set for this is for this Saturday by 5pm. Some things Ive learned is that I have to push myself and find ways to motivate myself to get things done.

    1. So, the deadline is today at 5:00... let's us know if you managed to get it all done. Also, I've sent you an email :)

  2. Today I did my chores, and that is my biggest frog, I have to say I always have to confront. Not that I don't like doing it, but usually after my school work, I get so tired from it that when it comes to chores. I quickly say, tomorrow. But today chores was the first thing I did. And it worked! And even more got me motivated, for the day :-)
    Deadlines, are now something I have to work on, will put it into practice, and learn to discipline myself.

    1. Yes, deadlines are tough... but really necessary if we ever want to get anything completely done :)

  3. I wouldn't have thought I had to time myself for the smallest things/tasks. But thanks for pointing that out... Now time to put it into practice.

  4. I realize something I did not long ago but din't put as much attention... that everytime I would challenge my self to finish something at a certain time I would getnso much done, so I realize that if I was like that daily, it would defenatly clear so much struggles in doing everything last minute and do them right, since that has been my long term goal, do the things right and on time, so am sure this step will and has to help me out, cuz I do need it!!!

  5. Now that I think about it, that's probably the reason why some of my projects never get done—they're personal so nobody will really be on "my case" or give me a deadline. I also, have to be realistic about the deadlines I give myself for big and daily tasks, sometimes I go overboard with the time I give myself to do things.

    Things to work on... Thanks Mrs. Rapha!

    1. Hahahahahaha... exactly! So from now on, this person will be you, and who knows... maybe me when I become an expert on this thing!

  6. Sounds good. I push myself more with deadlines. Though I have to say my projects are getting a different spin right now. :0 (I will have to explain personally. ;) Hugs and thanks for the challenges!

    1. Anxiously waiting the explanation in person... lol

  7. Deadlines totally freak me out! This challenge is so perfect for me.I'm sure it will teach me how to manage my time so much better.

  8. I been setting deadlines, its hard and beause its for our own self, there is no one but us, who pushes us, but I set a time to do my homework, and them a time to finish my chore of the day, so far it has been working, IT hard but, worth it, and I already made my list. Quick Question Mrs. Raphaela do we have to post our list?

    1. No, not yet lol

      BTW, which one is you in this picture, the girl on the left or right?

  9. Ooh I have set my self to deadlines in my creativity of my look and other perdonal things that I been leaving to last but, thankfuly am learning how to get it done right on time... need more help thou but, I can say that I have improoved more my time managing!! Am so happy!

    In faith- Genesis

    1. Genesis, you need to have a deadline for ALL your projects so you know realistically when you will get them done.

      Think about that, set the deadlines and then let me know ok?

    2. Ooh Yes, Mrs. Raphaela,

      I have been working hard in two projects that I saw that I really needed to work on they are quite personal but these deadlines are realy helping to say that the money I been waiting for I finally received it and am eligible for something that later on I will finally share!! Cant wait!!

  10. Yes, Eloisa :) I'm waiting for your reply to my questions... check your emails.

  11. everyone hates deadlines! the pressure when they're coming up....
    but they're necessary whether we like them or not, it's the only way to get things done! takes a lot of self-dicipline and determination!
