
Monday, January 9, 2012

Time Challenge Step # 2 - Think on Paper!

Now that you already have a strong reason for changing and learning to manage your time well, it's time to get practical.

Here is a rule you must follow if you are to succeed at this: Writing.

That's right! Writing down the things you need, want, wish and will do. If you want to get organized with your time, you need to get into the habit of writing your plans and to-do's down. 

Some people will read this and say that they've got no time to write down their list of to-do's, that they've got little or no time as it is. Well, of course you don't! If you don't have this habit, you are probably not a very organized person when it comes to your daily tasks and that's precisely why you think you don't have time.

Every book and article I've read about time management talks about this. Everyone I know who manages their time wisely, do so because of this very principle: They don't think only in their heads when it comes to the tasks they have to perform daily, but they also think on paper. Every time I manage to get something done and well done is because I followed this rule.

There's something about writing things down that makes everything much clearer, much more real and achievable. 

So, even if you don't have this habit, even if you don't like it, even if you think it doesn't work or hasn't worked for you in the past, do it anyway. Let's take one step at a time ok?

So what's the next step in our challenge? Here's what we will do this next week:

* Divide everything that's going on in your life right now into projects. Yes, we will call it and see it as projects from now on. Your projects could be for example, your home, your job, your school/college, your church, a course you are taking or are planning to take, a blog, a book, your health, weight loss etc. Basically everything you are doing right now, everything you were supposed to have done a while ago and things you still want or need to do.

Write them all down, one by one. That can be on a notebook or on your computer if you prefer. It doesn't really matter, as long as you have everything there in front of your eyes. When you do this, you may realize that you don't have as much to do as you had previously thought, or that it can actually be done if you work in an organized manner. Maybe you will see that you just have too much on you plate right now. 

Now, you need to look at your projects and decide which are the most important ones RIGHT NOW. When I did this last week, I had a total of 13 projects and I quickly saw that it was impossible to work on all of them at the same time and so I decided to postpone some of them for a later date/time in my life. I did not give up on them, I just postponed them so I can work on what's really priority right now. They came down to a total of 8.

Not very hard to do, is it? 

I've been doing this and it has been working wonders for me :) That's why I am able to write this post days before I actually have to post it. Yes, the Time Challenge is one of my 8 projects.

If you have any doubts or questions, you can write to me here or in the comments below. Now, let's get to work! More coming next week.


  1. Mrs. Rapha so i jot everything on paper and i have 6 projects and 2 courses to do i am determine to continue and evaluate the priorities first to do those and then take care of the others, im ready to take this challenge. I will be getting a bigger note pad because the one i have here all the pages are used. I will even brighten the page with highlighters because it will help me see things like ok what are you doing about that so this morning i had 8 projects now in the afternoon i have 6. The postpone is a good idea because you are starting to have deadlines and so when you postpone is like kicking in your conscious so you know is due this date right, which i think its good its a way to motivate myself to things quicker but of course right.

  2. Hi, Ok so the final verdict of projects was 14, but I have narrowed it down to 9. They are all really necessary things that are very much so a part of my life and I'm excited to accomplish them in a time orderly way.
    That's a good idea to write things down, I do this sometimes, but I have to make it like an unwritten law, like brushing your teeth, lol. So I will aim to do it in my office, but I will also keep some paper handy in my room in case I am only able to do it in the evening. Let's do this thing! ;) Hugs.

  3. I've been thinking really seriously about this task, I'll start with 6 for now, then I'll move on the other ones. I've been putting into practice the lesson of writing down my tasks and plans and it has helped me a lot. I've accomplished more than before, even though I'm not quite there yet... there's much more to achieve. But I'm not giving up! I'll get there!!


  4. Sorry I'm late, I did this and ended up with 8 projects. Writing it down does help. At least I can know where to start, I have more projects but I want to only concentrate in these, which I think are the most important right now.

  5. So sorry I'm extremely late, but I am doing this. The first day I had 11 projects,I divided my day from morning to afternoon to evening and set the times of when I would start. So for the first day I ended up with 3 projects, I narrowed down what was really important and worked on those in the morning. For the afternoon I worked on the things that could have waited till the next day and in the evening spent time with my family and got ready for the next day. I have continued to do this and I'm beginning to feel a little more relieved since I can see how many things I have to do instead of thinking I have soo much to do.
