
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mind over matter

If you have read the first book of theTwilight Saga or watched the movie, then you know that there's something about Bella that makes her extremely attractive to Edward: The scent of her blood.

He is a vampire and although he does not drink human blood, he feels extremely tempted to drink hers. The way the book describes it is that it's impossible for him to resist, everything in his body told him that not only should he drink her blood, but he NEEDED to drink it. It was his nature, the way he was, what he felt.

But everyone knows that he does not drink her blood. He falls in love with her instead.

Fiction apart, I'd like to draw your attention to this very important detail in the story. It's actually one of my favorite parts in the book. Bella asks him how come he can resist the temptation to just let nature run its course and kill her. 

His answer is: Mind over matter.

Which means his body craved for her blood, his nature screamed that that's what he needed to do, his heart told him he had all the reasons in the world to do it, but his mind... was another matter.

He knew in his mind that that was not right, it was not the right thing to do. That just because he felt something, didn't mean he actually needed to act on it. He let his mind call the shots; he chose his mind to be in control of his actions.

If you think you can't take any lessons from the Twilight Saga, here's one: He chose to let his mind call the shots in his life.

In our own lives we have urges, we have needs, we have feelings and temptation is just everywhere, but how many of us actually resist them? Go against them? Fight them?

Your mind tells you this is not the right time for a relationship or that the relationship you are currently in is not good for you. But you heart tells you that you need it, it's ok, everybody has someone, you are entitled to have someone too.

Your mind says you should be applying yourself to your studies, career, work, your family, but you feel you have time enough for that later.

Your mind tells you that sex should be saved for marriage, when both man and woman have made a life-long commitment to each other, but your heart tells you 'why not now? You both love each other and besides, the temptation is just too much to resist'.

Your mind tells you that there are certain sacrifices you have to make in your life, like leaving those friends that are not good for you for example... you feel that it would be unfair to leave those 'who were always there for you'.

Your mind tells you a lot of things. Everyday. So does your heart. 

Which one have you been listening to?

There is a constant battle between what you feel is right and what you KNOW is right.

But the question is, which one are YOU letting win?


  1. I agree Mrs Raphaela; his example shows how temptation can even be very strong but we can resist. We have to be able to keep dominate in our lives, our reasoning and not our feeling. One second of 'blood (pleasure),' is enough to destroy our salvation, and many regrets.

    God would not allow us to be in a situation where we have no control to resist, that's why it is called temptation, we can choose to say, no and and flee from it.

  2. this is a strong point Mrs.Raphaela, as Amelia say; we choose to to say, no and flee from it or give in to it. As God said He won't give us or put us in situation that we can not handle, so believe in us that we can overcome but it is also to us think 'mind over matter.

    Thank you and God bless you and your family

  3. Wow I like the way you put things here Mrs Raphaela!
    I haven't even seen it that way. Here comes again the constant battle between intelligence and feelings. It might seem unbearable at times but the decision one makes will determine a future with happiness or a future with regrets. Let's all be intelligent like Edward because at the end he is happy :-)
