
Friday, October 14, 2011

Incepted Saga - Crazy Stupid Love Part II

Continuation from yesterday's post...

The problem is that many people will watch movies like this, they will laugh, they will get entertained, but if you ask them if they noticed any of the messages I mentioned here, they will say no. Do you know why?

Because these nasty ideas are sent in a very subtle way, you are not supposed to understand it like that. You are only supposed to see the comedy Steve Carell is bringing to the movie; you are only supposed to notice that Ryan Gosling is full of muscles. You are supposed to see how nasty the 13 year-old character is and only find him funny. You are supposed to feel pity on the poor 17 year-old girl who's in love with another woman's husband - who is way older than her by the way.

And if you do understand some of those messages, you are supposed to just think them silly... no one will copy what the characters in the movie are doing, right?

If you think that this is just a fictional story meant to just entertain you, you are being brainwashed and don't even know it! The fictional story has indeed served its purpose: To teach you something you never realize you learned...

There are people who are actually doing those things right now. Some might even read this and think 'what's the problem? That's what everybody is doing nowadays'.

But where are all these sick ideas coming from?

Wake up!

THINK or someone else will do it for you!


  1. Its amazing how a simply movie, and its comedy can get this ideas through someone. Its, true we can either let this horrible ideas let it come to us and accept it, or we can let it pass and say, ''No, its wrong'' and not accept it. People can say all sorts of excuse, ''Its the 21st century!''
    ''Everyone is doing it!'' I say, 'Great! I can make the difference more, by not doing such things like this!' :-) why fit in with what others are thinking, when we can be different, and think what is right.

  2. Bruna sempre fiel :)

    Your review is coming up on Wednesday ok?
