
Friday, May 10, 2013

Iron Man 3

I had never heard of Iron Man before the first movie came out. I actually thought it had to do with the “The Man in the Iron Mask”… I know, I know… complete different movie. But anyway… Back then I wasn’t as interested in super-hero movies (that has changed) because they were usually all the same thing. There was a villain, there were the innocent people and there was some kind of super-hero that would save them all. But that has also changed.

The basics continue the same, but now it’s so much nicer than before. They have better especial effects, they plot is usually very good, they have the action, the romance, that some of us just can’t go without, and in the case of Iron Man, they have Robert Downey Jr. who, in my opinion, brings the entertainment to a whole new level in any movie he is in.

I enjoyed the first two Iron Man movies, but this third one is just very nice!

And the best thing is that it is so funny. My goodness! I laughed the whole time! It was very, very entertaining indeed.

So, if you also like super-hero movies, you definitely have to watch this one.  And watch out for the Mandarin, he is really, really dangerous. The worst villain in all the movies I’ve watched O_o  

However if you haven’t watched any of the Iron Man movies, you should watch them in the right order so you can really understand the story. Here’s the correct order:

Iron Man
Iron Man 2
The Avengers – if you don’t watch this one, you don’t understand why he mentions New York so much in the movie. He keeps saying “Since New York things are not the same”, “I can’t sleep since New York”… but this is just a tip ;)
Iron Man 3

I wanted to discuss something about the last fight between Iron Man and his enemy, but I can’t because if I do, I will spoil it for you. All I can say is that it has something very much in common with the last fight between Batman and his enemy on the last Batman movie.

If you’ve watched both movies, my question is, do you know what I’m talking about?

Let’ s see who paid attention… hehehe.


  1. Sério,eu realmente amo ! Fiquei super curiosa,o que na verdade eu precisava neste fim de semana era isso,pacote de pipoca,assistir todos.
    Sobre a pergunta,o último filme do Batman me marcou muito,quando,vejo que o Batman precisa desistir,dar lugar a outro,para poder viver,ele já estava morrendo,é sobre isso? Ou a vingança??,rsrsr

    1. kkkkkkkkkk isso que você disse realmente é verdade mas não é do que eu estou falando hehehe :)

  2. Wow, my friends and I agree completely :D me personally about Robert Downing Jr; him, Johnny Depp andDavid Tennant are my top favorite actors!! They all share like entertaining qualities in their acting... Anyhoo me blagging lol, yeh really good movie and the different structural plots, the links and psychological effects on the protagonist... I just loved how it's gets you thinking, and on your toes piecing the clues together and out of no where the random humour, hilarious :D well worth the watch, nice length, not brief... Although, can't answer your question in comparison to the last batman... Haven't watched it yet :( but it's on my look out ;)
    Nice review :D
